Q & A with Jastinder Sohi

We recently sat down with Jast Sohi, who is responsible for business development and relationship management for Chevy Chase Trust clients, to learn more about his background and what inspired his career in finance.


Tell us about your role here at Chevy Chase Trust:

I am fortunate to wear many hats here at Chevy Chase Trust. I work with clients on a variety of issues and coordinate with our specialists: portfolio managers, trust officers, financial planners, estate attorneys etc.


Please tell us about your background:

Right out of college I got into the financial industry as a federal bank examiner. It was my job to go into banks and make sure they were performing in accordance with regulations and laws, and that they were lending in a safe and sound manner. It was a job that carried a lot of responsibility as it involved communicating with bank management regarding the practices at their institution.

After two or three years, I transitioned to more traditional commercial banking. When my position was moved to Charlotte, N.C., I decided instead to stay put and accept a temporary role on the Trust side of the business and I never looked back. I’ve been on the private banking, trust, and investment management side of the business for more than 25 years and I have really loved it.


When did you join CCT?

I joined three years ago and it’s been great! There seem to be few jobs that turn out how you hope and expect, but this one has. I love the size of the firm and the way it is structured.

Additionally, I am here because of my colleagues, many of whom I worked with at prior jobs in the financial industry. I have been waiting to reunite with this very smart team of people. Not only are they highly competent, they are extremely fun to work with.


What led to your interest in the financial/banking industry?

Truthfully, I fell into it by chance. I went to UVA and loved everything about the McIntire School – accounting, finance, and marketing. I felt comfortable with the subject matter and when I graduated, I felt confident and well equipped to start in my role as a bank examiner.


What would you be doing if you were not doing this?

I always thought I would make a pretty good doctor, so maybe the medical field… The one small problem I had with this option was I don’t like the sight of blood. But the medical field has some similarities to this business, namely helping individuals. That’s what I like doing here, and what I would have liked as a doctor.


What is your favorite thing to do outside of the office?

When I turned 50, I decided I would take up skiing and golf. I’m not really succeeding at either, but at least I’ve started. I’m really enjoying trying – getting bruised on both fields but enjoying it nonetheless. I can’t wait to either get out on a golf course or go down the slopes.

What advice would you give to someone considering a career path like yours?

You have to be a people person. You have to like meeting and connecting with people. Almost all positions in this industry require dealing with personal and confidential matters, and you have to have an honest, genuine concern for the clients – where they are and what they need.

If putting your clients first isn’t your priority, the private banking/wealth management field may not be for you.

Posted in People